All posts by Julie

eating healthy, it’s about time!

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Before I talk about healthy eating, which I am by no means an expert, because it’s time for me to clean up my diet and get serious about nourishing my body. I need to address something I said in the last post. It’s not that I don’t deserve to go to Hawaii with my family. It’s not a question of being deserving, that doesn’t make sense. I think they were worried my ocd and phobias would put a damper on the trip. Yes, it’s possible, but I’ve learned how to manage my symptoms. I know my triggers and how to avoid them. We even found some unscented sunscreen at Target, so that wasn’t going to be a problem.

I also said I wouldn’t be sad. You can’t make yourself un-feel your feelings unless you drown them in alcohol or numb them with drugs; neither of which I recommend. So, yes, I am sad to miss out on seeing such a beautiful place. We aren’t close like we used to be and maybe that’s okay, a lot of families grow apart over the years. People have to find new communities more similar in mindset and temperament. It’s funny, my lease is up in November and I’m thinking of moving to an artist community called ArtSpace Lofts. I heard about them last year when they opened. They’re located in my hometown which has the good water. There’s an open house this week because they have some availability. I’m going to attend and see if I want to live there.

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I love my family, and I know they’d always be there for me, but they don’t understand why I had to write the book, sometimes I don’t even understand. They think it was a waste of time and money. Maybe it was. I thought it was for a good cause. The Universe paid for most of it. Don’t forget that. It took me a long time to get closure, I’m a slow healer. I wonder if it’s weird for them because they’re  in the book, or if they worried about what I would share. I didn’t cast anyone in a bad light. They know me better than that. I don’t think they would’ve wrote a book, and that’s okay, not everyone needs to share their experiences. They’re very practical and grounded. I think some people find it easier to let things go, while others hold on for far too long.

Back to the food talk. I need to start taking responsibility for my eating habits. Side note: I have mild anorexia which causes me to restrict food. I don’t have bulimia. I think throwing up is the worst feeling in the world, and I hate to touch the floor. The last time I thought I was going to throw up, I nearly had a panic attack thinking I would have to touch the floor. I put a bath towel down on the floor, but luckily the nausea passed. I had eaten too much avocado which doesn’t always sit well in my stomach. And luckily, I’ve only been hungover once from tequila, learned my lesson there.

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It’s not that I don’t eat healthy, I could eat much, much healthier. There are foods I need to reduce and eliminate. There are foods I need to include and increase. I’m not going to lie, I like carbs and dairy. Those are the two groups that will be the hardest to cut back on. I’d rather eat healthy meals than try to exist on juice alone. A plant-based diet is the right direction, I need the nutrients and antioxidants. I don’t need to lose weight, I need to gain good weight. On days when I exercise, I have to eat more to replace the calories I’ve burnt off. I might start with fruit and veggie smoothies because they sound good and at least it would be trying something new.

I need to reduce refined sugars and processed foods. (If it’s made in a factory, it takes a factory to digest it.) They create an acidic environment which causes inflammation and disease. Cancer feeds on and is fueled by sugar. I need to think of sugar as poison because that’s what it really is. My anger is misdirected. I need to be angry at sugar not the chemo! I have no excuse for continuing to eat poorly. As soon as I was diagnosed, I should’ve gone raw vegan or as close to it as possible. When treatment ended I started juicing a little bit, but I continued to eat whatever my mom fixed for dinner. Most of the time, they were good meals better than the stuff I eat now. Not knowing how to cook isn’t as excuse. I could learn the basics, just a few meals.

I think it takes hitting rock bottom, being so upset about the way things are that changes have to be made. I took the above picture during a short layover at the MSP airport. I looked up and was like, “Yep, that’s about right, thanks for the sign!” I wonder if they have good food there? At least I know what doesn’t work. Look where J.K. Rowling is now, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Rock bottom is like hell, you leave with the humility God sent you there to find. I wish my family would give me credit for the book, but it’s just another thing I did wrong, not what I was supposed to be doing, another one of Julie’s crazy ideas. Why can’t she be normal? Someday soon.

I’ve been studying nutrition for awhile now wondering if I would ever get serious about eating right. It’s definitely something positive to focus on and it will benefit me in more ways than one. The YouTube videos I watch of women who are eating healthy, they look vibrant. And just think, that’s from the food they eat. They also have low stress, exercise routines, loving relationships, good sleep, and the feeling of being productive. Food is an important piece of the puzzle.

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I need to increase my intake of vegetables and fruits. Create an alkaline environment in my body because oxygen starves cancer cells. I love bananas and most fruits. I love spinach and most veggies. I don’t eat very much meat, so at least I’m ahead of the game there. The hardest thing will be to stop drinking soda or maybe it won’t be that hard. I’ve heard that I’ll have cravings, so that will suck. I quit smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee cold turkey, I think that’s how I do things. I don’t know why I expect to feel better when I don’t fuel my body with the best foods available. I have to be careful because fruit still has sugar, vegetables don’t have sugar. It’s important to eat the foods that are known to slow tumor growth. I will blog about them next week.

I’m sick and tired of the nerve pain. I can deal with it in my hands and feet, but I feel it in my teeth, too. That’s just too much pain for one person to take. And to let it go on this long, to just get used to it, that’s about the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t know if changing my diet will help, but I’m at the end of my rope. I’ve heard of people who change their diet and the pain goes away, I hope mine does. I have a feeling the foods I’m eating are contributing to the inflammation. A few tiny changes could create miracles. I need to be proactive and preventative. The cancer lurks in the shadows, haunting and taunting me. I’m tired of cowering in fear. I have to fight back. I have to want to live. And strangely, after all this time, I do.

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Okay, start small, next time I go to the grocery, no microwave dinners. Something needs to go in the freezer. Frozen fruit to make smoothies.  I will buy sweet potatoes and hummus. I want to make a quinoa, tofu,  and vegetable dish. For most people that’s probably easy to make. I have trouble making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just kidding! I can make scrambled eggs, french toast, and spaghetti, the basics. Like with anything, it takes practice and a willingness to put forth the effort. If I make enough to have leftovers that would be awesome. I need to buy a blender so that I can make the smoothies. Start gathering recipes. One thing at a time, my dear! 🙂

Just an update, I’m getting my routine back on track. Get up and shower in the morning unless I’ve showered the night before or I’m going to take a walk and get all sweaty, then shower afterward. Is there laundry to do? Probably. Throw it in and walk away. Is there stuff to do on the computer. Probably. Get it done. Stop making everything so complicated. Stop overthinking everything. I have the car and job narrowed down to a few choices. Oh yeah! 🙂 I’m the coolest. Rock on. Stay strong. Be brave. Dream big. Love more.

Have a good week,


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Keeping my heart to myself! :)

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Last week’s blog was a bit depressing, scatterbrain, and just being hard on myself. There’s no way I could’ve topped the previous blog unless I had gone to another book fair. I need to let it go and stop with the judgment. Not every blog will be filled with exciting adventures. I need to quit pushing myself so hard, I’m going to end up pushing myself over the edge! And I’m putting my heart back in my chest where it belongs. While I want to be honest when it comes to my feelings, oversharing can leave me feeling vulnerable. That being said, wonders never cease, and scientists can start sounding like poets.

I’m not drinking coffee anymore, I switched to green tea several months ago, perhaps that’s where I was getting most of my energy from. In the long run, it isn’t good to be dependent on caffeine. I might start drinking iced coffee again, especially on days when my energy is low. Drinking tea makes me feel much calmer, which is great because coffee made me bounce off the walls. There’s a lot to consider.

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I’m not going to Hawaii now. I’ve talked with my family and everything is okay. There’s just too much that I need to do to get my life back on track. Even though my mom was going to pay my share, I don’t have any money to help pay for the vacation and that doesn’t feel right, nor do I deserve a vacation, as I’ve been on one for the past five years. I don’t want to be the fifth wheel, and that’s what I’d be. My mom will be with her boyfriend. My brother will be with his wife. And I would be all alone, not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m not going to be sad about it. If it was meant to be, I’d be going with them. Like they said, there will be more vacations.

Today is Father’s Day, not my favorite day of the year. I miss you Dad. I hope you’re in heaven making the angels laugh. I realized something, I tell funny stories like you used to do. I like to make people laugh because laughter chases away the sadness. I got to thinking about the poor guy who had to stop me from walking onto the Fremont bus. “The Millbrae.” He said kindly. “It will be here in seven minutes.” Oh dear, I was just trying to get to the airport so I wouldn’t miss my flight! He had just spent several minutes telling me which bus to take, and I still almost took the wrong one.  At least I can laugh about it! 🙂

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I’m going to start contacting breast cancer organizations through email and tell them about my book. I can also mail some free copies with handwritten letters. I can teach a class or workshop, Art Therapy for Cancer Survivors, where they complete one exercise from the book. There’s a local art center that would be a perfect location. There are so many avenues for book marketing. It’s funny how life comes around full circle and we end up where we’re meant to be. I will trust the Universe to continue guiding me in the right direction. I need to step into my role as author, teacher, healer, art therapist, and friend.

There’s something I didn’t mention. On Friday June 3rd, the morning of the day I flew out west for the book fair, I checked my email. I always read Alan Cohen’s “Quote of the day,” Danielle LaPorte’s  “Truthbomb,” and Mike Dooley’s “Note from the Universe.” Well this time, the Truthbomb stood out to me. It said, “What more do you want?” Wow, exactly, I was getting everything I wanted. The book fair, seeing my friends, having an adventure, and yet I wasn’t prepared, not completely. I was still unsure, doubtful, and hesitant. Although things turned out okay, the way they were meant to, I still have to recognize my fears and insecurities. All in all, it was great practice for my next book fair! 🙂

Have a good week,


P.S. In writing this blog and trying to think of a title, it dawned on me that women give emotional affection to show they care, while men want to give sexual affection to show they care. Why do I think my way is better? Both are equally heavy and powerful. Both can be overwhelming, unwanted, or a boundary violation. There are lots of double standards in our society: men are seen as cool for bedding a lot of women, whereas women are called sluts or promiscuous. I’ve read that women want security, while men want to feel respected. I never meant to disrespect you, and that’s why you were so mad. Your intentions were good. I get it now. I was supposed to be flattered not mad.

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Enjoying the summer?

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I’m going to designate Wednesday as my blog posting day, which will give me a schedule and routine to follow. Of course, there will be times when I choose another day, but for now, Wednesday feels good. Thursday was the day I got chemo, so there’s always (well not always) an emotional charge around that day. I don’t know how many people read my blog, but I’m sure there are people who stop by and find comfort in my words. It’s also good writing practice for me. Writing a blog might seem like an easy thing to do, but let me tell you, it takes a lot more effort than most people realize! Props to the bloggers.

I think Morgan (who was my writing coach) mentioned one time to batch them, write a few at a time and have them ready. I could probably do that because I have deleted scenes and exercises from the book that would work well as blog posts. I also want to do candid blog posts, in the moment, fresh material, because it seems like there’s always something that I need to get off my chest!

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I’m always torn by what to do each day. Some days, it’s obvious because I have an appointment or grocery shopping. There are practical concerns like cleaning and laundry. There are creative concerns like writing and art. There are physical concerns like bathing and exercise. And of course, there’s eating, sleeping, and socializing. I guess what’s missing in my life is working. Although I do get disability and I’ve been working on the book, it wasn’t a “normal job” and it’s hard to feel good about yourself when the product exists only in your computer screen. Now that the book is a real live entity, I do feel better about myself. But I can’t stop there, I have to keep moving forward and put all that cancer stuff behind me, lol 🙂

One of my therapists used to tell me, “Do what you feel like doing. Or ask the Universe, What activity would be for my highest good?” I probably have too much time on my hands. I’m working on that. In July, I’m getting a car, soon after that a part-time job. And then I’ll look back on all the free time I squandered and wonder what was I thinking?! It will definitely force me to choose what I want most and make me get serious about my priorities. (I know what I want, there’s never been a question about that. I’m old enough to know what I want.) I’m not in my twenties anymore. I’m in my late thirties, which doesn’t seem possible, I think I lost a few years to grief and recovery.

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I have two more possible book events that are both in October. I’ve already applied to them, but I haven’t been notified yet. FINGERS CROSSED!!! They are both indoor. One is a literary festival in San Francisco, Litquake, which would be a speaking gig. How cool would that be? The other is Books by the Banks at the Duke Energy convention center in Cincinnati; it’s a one day book fair. I’m looking forward to both of them. I don’t want to get my hopes up in case I don’t get accepted. I might research some more because the deadlines to apply are always tricky to catch.

I’ve been feeling some resistance to writing, which isn’t a surprise since I just finished a book. The love story is loosely based on an unrequited relationship. It’s completely different from the memoir and feels like a breath of fresh air. Actually, I have some new material now! Am I not passionate about the story and that’s why I’m stalling? Or did something else catch my attention? Hopefully, I’ll regain my focus and resume the revision process. One page at a time. I feel more confident in my writing ability. I think the key is to make the commitment and then overcome inertia. Keep it simple and have fun.

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Writing isn’t easy because I’m starting over from square one. Walking isn’t easy because of the humidity. Nothing is easy anymore. Not even love. But the good stuff isn’t easy, at least not at first. We have to build up our strength. It’s like a test to see how much we are wiling to fight for what we want. When I got back from my trip, I had so much laundry to do that I actually did two loads in one day, which was a definite accomplishment. As my friend said, do what’s difficult each day. I’m trying. Expressing my feelings is difficult and that’s what I’m doing today. Feelings that stay bottled up cause more harm than the ones we acknowledge; it just takes bravery and then we feel relief.

I need to push myself and get as much done as I can each day. I’m slower than I used to be, and it hurts my pride to admit that. I still feel so far behind, behind the old me, behind everyone else. Not that I’m trying to catch up. Do I really want to be where most people are? No. I want to be free. Or in a place where I feel free to be me. I want to be of service and help people. That’s why I think the bookstore or even a coffee shop would make me feel better. It would force me to get out of the apartment and stop thinking about myself and my problems.

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I want a relationship where we hold each other accountable for making progress on our creative projects, where we are honest with each even if it’s gut-wrenching to do so. I’m honest to a fault and wear my heart on my sleeve. Anything less would be a lie and a disservice to the awesomeness that is life and love. That being said, I’m a big scaredy cat. I come across as timid and shy, yet I can also be bold and outgoing. Phone calls make me nervous. I tend to be nervous before events, then I calm down after they start. I’m hard on myself, forget that I have a lot to offer, and I’m funny without trying to be.

Graciousness and Determination. Those were the two oracle cards that I picked from Rosy Aronson’s deck at the book fair. They are so cool. I have a few tarot decks already, but I’m thinking about buying hers, too. Anyhow, it’s not surprising that I would pick those cards because I’m still learning about humility. And the trip was an example of sheer determination to show the book and have an adventure! Here is the link if you want to check them out:

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I got my first email from a survivor who bought my book. I’m going to share her email because it’s so sweet. Now I know what it’s like to be admired and have fans of my work. I’ve emailed her back and feel grateful to be connecting with survivors, which is what I missed out on during my recovery. I finally feel like I can help others, and in doing so it helps me. The book continues to amaze me by bringing the right people into my life. Here’s the email from B., who wishes to remain anonymous. She also posted this as a review on Amazon.

Dear Julie,

I read about your book in the advertising for the Berkeley book fair. I ordered the book from my independent book seller. I was going to take it to my ‘Breast cancer over time’ support group, but left it on the table when I began my commute across the Golden Gate Bridge to the weekly support group. I had only glanced over it, and read a chapter or two, to be completely overwhelmed and in tears as a cancer survivor. I have to do this slowly, I realized.

Then this morning I found the part of the book about Sunny. Love that communication you have with your guide. (I know about guides.) When I was facing radiation, after the surgery, I was sitting by myself early one morning, half in trance and afraid, and saw my grandmother come to me and tell me that “I would be ok.” It was very reassuring as she had not had a body for 20 years.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your gift of words, gratitude, and hope. All the best to you in your healing journey, B.

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That email made my day, and I’m still trying to let the words sink in. Maybe someday I will give myself credit for my accomplishments. Actually something amazing has developed. My family is going to Maui, Hawaii in September; it’s like a dream come true. I don’t want to say it’s a reward or prize for writing the book, but it sure feels that way. It’s just a coincidence or are there no coincidences? My brother and sister-in-law work hard all the time, and God knows my mom needs a vacation. I want to relax and enjoy myself, eat some good food and swim, read beach books, get a tan, wear cute clothes, laugh at myself and be grateful. I look forward to spending time with my family and my niece, who gets cuter and smarter every day.

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I also got feedback from my friend Patty. She told me that I write well. I guess in some ways I do. But technically, I write well after many rounds of revision! I read over the manuscript on my phone at night while lying in bed, especially the Introduction and certain chapters, I went over every sentence to make sure they sounded right. I made notes in the notes app on my iPhone. (I guess I got a little obsessive. Oh duh! That makes perfect sense, I have OCD.) Probably not the quickest or most efficient way to do revisions. Now, I make revisions on the word doc itself, but there is something to be said about reading on a different screen that makes you look at it differently. Which is also why printing it out on paper is a good practice, too.

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If you follow me on Twitter, you probably wonder why I always take the same picture of the same tree and pond. Well, that tree is my friend. When I take a walk, it’s the challenge I give myself to make it to that tree. It’s not that it’s that far away from my apartment; it’s more of a ritual or soothing thing, my sanctuary from the walls that surround me. It’s something I have control over and it feels empowering. I walk to clear my mind and stretch my legs. I need to get back on track with that, too. Exercise is very therapeutic for me.

If I can make it to my tree, everything is okay. Even if it’s not, for those few moments, I feel an undisturbed peace, oneness with nature, serenity, and bliss. Now that it’s dreadfully humid out, I have to walk early or late, which isn’t a bad thing just a slight difference. I also have the option of going to the pool, and yes, I am very grateful for the ability to do that. This post has gotten far too long, and it might even count as two blogs! 🙂 Goodbye for now.

Have a great week or two,


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My experience at the book fair in Berkeley

me at the book fair

I was an exhibitor on Inspirational Avenue at the Bay Area Book Festival in Berkeley, California this past weekend June 4-5. My book made it’s first public appearance, and I would have to say it held up pretty well, and I was quite proud to show it off. Also a little nervous!

It wasn’t a baby step; it was a giant leap into the unknown. I got lost, confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated. I also realized my strength and that people are genuinely kindhearted and willing to offer directions and support. I faced my fears, challenged my ocd, and met a ton of cool people. Friday night was the hardest because I walked two blocks in the wrong direction, had trouble finding my hotel even though it was right in front of me. When I got into my room, I couldn’t figure out the air conditioner and thought it was broken. I think I was just tired and hungry and in shock at my new location.

This was me on the BART, the underground rapid transit, on Friday night. Where am I? I’m not in Kansas anymore, lol.

me on the bart

Saturday was a bit hectic, too. I got a late start and skipped breakfast. I’m not a morning person and haven’t worked in a few years, so this probably wasn’t too off the mark. I had to get the books from FedEx, set up the table, and greet people. Having never done a book fair, I was lucky to be matched with Susan, who I learned a lot from about booth etiquette and how to talk about my book. I ended up giving out some free copies. I met a lot of survivors and felt very enriched and inspired. I can only hope my book provides them with some comfort.

A few people I remember are: Toni, Selma, Erin, and Mika (who comforted me on the BART as we both headed to the airport on Monday, she was going to India to have surgery for colon cancer. Here she was facing cancer, and I was just crying because I’m a big baby.) I also remember a lady from Columbus who had breast cancer, you bought my book on Saturday, but I don’t remember your name. I hope you are doing well! 🙂

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I had a “How are you feeling?” sign on my table which allowed people to process a quick feeling state. I realized that all feelings are valuable and that I was quick to judge, which isn’t very therapeutic on my part.

table sign

Saturday night I went out to dinner with my friend, Mike, who lives in SF.  We talked about energy healing. It was great to meet him in person as we had only talked in email. I had some very good Pad Thai at a restaurant, but I forget the name. I took this picture that night.

peace sign

Sunday went better because I got Starbucks for breakfast. I haven’t had a vanilla latte in a while and it tasted like heaven! 🙂


On Sunday night, I went out to dinner with Colin, he was an exhibitor a few booths down representing the Gurdjieff library and Fourth Way books. The hotel was so pretty that I took this picture in the hallway.

me on sunday

Colin and I walked around the festival after it was over which was a nice ending to the weekend. We got to see the rest of the event that we didn’t get to see as we were stuck at our tables. There was a very good crowd at the festival. People in Berkeley are very open-minded and spiritual. I felt somewhat at home. Although, it’s not humid there, and I didn’t need the shorts I brought, lol.

book fair with flags

I got to meet some of the other exhibitors on my street: Rosy, Patty, and Larry. We swapped books, so now I have some good books to read at night. I took 20 books and brought 2 home, so I would say that was a productive time. Berkeley reminded me of downtown Cincinnati or Boulder because of the homeless people. It was kind of sad. I didn’t give them change even though I should have. It doesn’t encourage them; it helps them to know there are kind people in the world who want to end suffering not maintain it.


Dinner at Cafe Tibet: dumplings and soup.

cafe tibet

Tree in Berkeley.  Of course, I found a cool tree to admire.

tree in berkeley

Notorious San Francisco fog.

sf fog

I sat by two amazing women on the flights out: Ginger (if you’re reading this, the plane exhaust smell trumped the shampoo smell, lol) and Elena (I hope you had a good time with Geiv and are enjoying Hawaii! Take care my dear.) We had great conversations. I think the Universe brings the exact people we need into our lives. I didn’t talk to anyone on the way home, I watched the Big Bang Theory and Brave. Although, I fell asleep and didn’t see much of it.

Mushroom and spinach crepe before my flight home.


What have I noticed since being home? Well, I’ve cried some more. I think it was an emotional reaction to everything that I accomplished. On Tuesday, I went to therapy and the grocery. I felt like a different person, like the old me, confident and self-assured. After the session, my therapist sat with my mom and me for a few minutes in the lobby, and I think we all knew that I had experienced a major breakthrough. I am grateful for everyone who helped me get to where I am now. I just hope I can continue to push myself out of my comfort zone and improve my quality of life.

I had some jet lag today and finally unpacked my suitcase. The clothes are sitting on the couch, hopefully they will find their way into the washer tomorrow. I need to stay caught up so that I can continue moving forward and creating the life I want. I realized something, I need to be happy with my life, rather than wanting someone to become my life. I got a taste of freedom and enjoyed my adventure. The most important thing I realized is that I am pretty damn amazing and my bitterness about getting cancer is gone. Hallelujah.

Have a good week,


 clouds in flight

Meeting new people and what’s next?

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I got to thinking about how meeting new people, whether it’s a job, class, support group, church function, picnic, party, or even for coffee, can cause a person to feel nervous. I used to get extremely nervous when I had to give speeches in high school and college. I would turn 50 shades of red and barely get the words out. Even though I had my note cards and knew my classmates, there was just something unnerving about having that many eyes on me. Needless to say, I do much better one-on-one or in small groups. Even when I led the art therapy groups, I was much happier when I had a co-facilitator. I don’t know if I still have stage fright, it would be interesting to find out.

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Why does meeting new people cause us anxiety? Because we have a natural tendency to want to make a good impression. We judge ourselves harshly and imagine the worst. The other person might appear calm and collected, yet they probably have some butterflies in their stomach, too. Sometimes, it’s better to say, “I’m a bit nervous.” Take a deep breath and laugh about it. Sharing vulnerabilities is how we build trust and intimacy; it’s also how we learn who we are and what we want out of life. We all want to be seen as perfect, but that’s just not reality. And there’s a pretty good chance the other person already thinks you walk on water.

I’ve learned the hard way that it’s better to show up imperfectly than to miss out on something wonderful. It’s easy to be preachy and give advice, but don’t get me wrong, I struggle with these things, too. Self-love is a daily process. That’s why it’s helpful to have friends who remind us of our good qualities and want the best for us. Even the people we trust the most can do things that upset us. Disagreements are bound to happen, yet we’re able to forgive because we know that the other person’s intentions were kindhearted rather than mean-spirited.

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I got to thinking about the term “unresolved grief.” Does grief ever get resolved completely? Probably not. Does resolved grief dishonor the person you were grieving? No. My dad wants me to be happy. Being sad dishonors him and the way he raised me to be strong. I was mad at my mom when she got a new boyfriend, two years after his death. I didn’t understand how she could possibly love someone again. We honor the dead by living well, and my dad wouldn’t want my mom to be alone. Her boyfriend takes her places and they have a good time. She doesn’t love him like she loved my dad. She told me the second time around is different. I don’t think so. I always want the real thing.

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I’ve settled before and spent a good deal of time with someone I didn’t even like that much. My dad had just died and I didn’t want to feel again. Life didn’t matter anymore. Then I got cancer and my life turned upside down. Almost as if God was saying, “Show me that you give a damn.” I know love isn’t the answer; it’s one of the answers. People aren’t perfect. Love is perfect. We get blinded by love, because love is the brightest light. We get giddy, like kids roasting marshmallows at their first campfire. And then we get scared. We mess up love, our chances at love, and love just laughs at us. When it’s the right time it’ll happen, without an ounce of force.

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What are my plans after the book fair? Continue the “car shopping.” I’m glad we didn’t by a car back then, it would’ve just sat there and we knew that. Now that the book is done, I’m ready to drive again. I don’t have to be here in my self-imposed exile anymore. I’m tired of getting triggered by my mom’s perfume, so it’ll be great to have my own car and leave whenever and go wherever I want. Not having a car has served it’s purpose, now I need one in order to move on with my life.

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Test drive the Nissan Sentra and Subaru Legacy. Decide which one I like better. Lease one of them. Yes, I’ll have to conquer my fear of parking, and park imperfectly just to spite my OCD. From what I’ve noticed, the more I want to live, the more I can win the battle. The small cars felt weird because I was used to the spaciousness of the Blazer, but now I’m used to my mom’s car. I also got hung up on the interior colors: black felt like a black hole and beige was just yucky. The Nissan has a gray interior, so that might be a good compromise. I need to be grateful instead of fussy and difficult! 🙂

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I’m also going to start applying for part-time jobs, I can still write in the evenings or mornings. It seems the more time I have, the more time I waste. I need to decide which book to work on next: the love story or the fantasy story. I’m thinking about applying to Half Price Books, there are two locations near me. Or there’s an open studio for people with developmental disabilities to make and sell their artwork. I would actually be using my art therapy degree … ten years later! A friend told me about the place several years ago. Who knows there could be other jobs I haven’t even considered?

Slowly but surely, I’m getting my laundry caught up, which is a good thing. Laundry is not one of my favorite activities. And if I would do two loads in one day, the process might go a bit faster. I’m trying not to worry about my upcoming adventure, do as much as I can to prepare and then trust the process. It occurred to me that this adventure is like going from 0-90, which is an old pattern of mine. I completely skip 45, which would be the middle path instead of going to the other extreme. That’s one of the ACOA characteristics. Ugh.

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Funny story, I got the email about where to ship the books, but I completely forgot about ordering them over the weekend. On Monday, I talked to my mom on the phone, and luckily she asked me, “So, did you get the books ordered?”

“OMG!!!” I yelled and almost fell off my chair. “That would be like going to the wedding without the ring!” Since they want them shipped from my FedEx to their FedEx and then held as a pickup; it’s a two-step process which takes longer. I thought I’d be shipping them from CreateSpace to the event. Now, they’re going to my mom’s house first and then we’ll ship them out there. No big deal, just a slight scramble and change of plans.

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P.S. In case you’re reading this, I have more to say. I don’t want to email you and hear another eloquent denial. We both know that I didn’t imagine it. I might not be playing with a full deck, yet I have enough cards to know reality from fiction. I shouldn’t have assumed or insinuated or put you in a no-win situation. I didn’t realize the seriousness of my accusation. I grounded, but I didn’t shield, because I don’t know how. I didn’t think it was a threat. Now, I just feel weird out about it. I don’t know who did it. I guess it could’ve been a complete stranger. I don’t want to speak from hurt feelings and say things I’ll regret later, so I won’t. When all is said and done, I’m still your biggest fan.

Have a good week,


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happiness, affirmations, and soaring like an eagle

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I’m writing another blog post because the last one was depressing. I had read something that put me in a bad mood. I’ve let it go, and I don’t feel upset anymore. I don’t think people intentionally mean to hurt me. I’m a sensitive person. My reactions are my responsibility. Do I regret wearing my heart on my sleeve? No, I don’t. I’ve heard that our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness. For example, my attention to detail makes me organized; yet, it’s frustrating when I lose sight of the big picture.

Instead of seeking love, I need to be love and feel love for myself; otherwise, I will drain the other person. I need to stop putting people on pedestals; it doesn’t give them any room to move, and it isn’t accurate. We are all equals: equally flawed and equally fabulous. The media takes advantage of our insecurities and sells us things we don’t need. We start trying to impress others instead of ourselves. We stop listening to our truth and look outside for the answers. We forget that we already have the magic inside of us, and magic feels oh so good. I don’t know what the future holds, but I will be okay.

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I noticed something, in the next to last blog post, I was actually quite happy and an interesting thing happened. I almost felt like I had to apologize for being happy. Like, how dare I be happy? If I’m happy, the other shoe will drop. I was hitting my happiness thresh hold. I used to think only certain people got to be happy, they had won some kind of lottery at birth which gave them the ability to easily smile whenever. I got my dad’s temperament, his grumpy genes, which means I have to work harder at cultivating a positive mood. My brother got my mom’s optimistic genes. Thank God my niece was born super cheerful; it will help her down the road dealing with life’s adversities.

Not that we should hide our sadness or cover up what we’re dealing with, that’s not therapeutic. But dwelling on the negative and getting pulled into a downward spiral isn’t good, either. I need to return to my affirmation practice. Even though it’s a daily practice, I don’t say them as often as I used to. I used to say them for survival, to prevent panic attacks, and to maintain my sanity. Now, they’re more like self-esteem work and for staying on track.

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I also want to write a blog post that doesn’t talk about the book or the book fair, lol. The book will always be on my plate or at least the table. It’s hard to take something off the table when you’ve already put it there. I stand by my convictions, they are all that I have. I know what I know, and I feel what I feel. I can trust my intuition to guide me. I’m also going to call it “my adventure” not “my trip” because that implies stumbling and falling. Dear Goddess, I am going to soar! 🙂

Adventure update: I got the tablecloth, business card holder, poster board, and markers. I also got my placement. I’m sharing a booth with Susan, shout out to Susan if you’re reading this! She’s written a cookbook for cancer survivors. I think we’re well-matched and have important books to share. I have a feeling it’s going to be a great time!

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I saw a really good quote on Twitter. “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on her own wings. Always believe in yourself.” I’m grateful that my friend didn’t rush to help me. In a sense, by not helping me, I was forced to help myself. It’s kinda like what my mom did. It isn’t easy to break free from codependency, but it’s necessary if I ever want to be independent, have true freedom, and feel confident in my abilities.

What are the benefits of having an affirmation practice? Improved self-esteem, focus, and awareness. Quiet mental chatter, aka the monkey mind. Make positive changes through visualization and manifestation. Heal old wounds and strengthen peace of mind. I think the best affirmations have a certain rhythm to them that makes them powerful. It’s easy to alter existing ones or create your own. What’s important is that they resonate with your mind, body, and spirit.

My favorite affirmations:

I am confident and capable. I am healthy and strong.

I am calm and relaxed. I am safe and protected.

Today is a new day, and I treat myself with loving kindness.

I am grateful for my many blessings, God is good.

I breathe in and all is well. I breathe out and all is well.

I am worthy, I am deserving, I am good enough.

I am beautiful. I am amazing. I am loved.

🙂 🙂 🙂

Have a good week,


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What is humility?

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I’ve had a few humbling experiences recently. First, I was the victim of identity theft. Someone used my soc sec # to apply for a department store charge card and bought $800 worth of merchandise. My mom got the bill in the mail and immediately knew something was wrong because a) I don’t like that store and never shop there, and b) what would I possibly buy for $800? I have a couch, washer and dryer. I don’t have a television, but I don’t want one. If I were going to buy that much clothes, I sure as hell wouldn’t shop there, no offense. I prefer quality over quantity. Anyhow, we’ve got it resolved for the most part. Hopefully, they can find the people who did it, so that it won’t happen again. There’s a seven year hold on my soc sec #, and luckily, my bank card wasn’t affected.

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Second, my mom cut my hair. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it’s not that bad, but next time I’ll spend $60 and get my haircut at a salon. I asked her to cut a few inches off because it had split ends. It’s been a few years since I’ve had a real haircut. I’ve been letting it grow. Anyhow, it’s like when you cut off your jeans to make shorts, you always want to make a cut at the knee and then go shorter. My mom started with four inches instead of starting with two. I’ll cut her some slack, she’s not a professional hairstylist. And like me, my hair isn’t simple. She just hacked if off and then threw it on the sink counter, and I just about died. Oh dear god, it was a shocker. I wear it in a ponytail anyway. It looks healthy now, and it’s all one length for the most part, lol. And the best part is… it will grow! 🙂

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I noticed something about myself, I turn everything into a chore instead of making it fun. The good news and another synchronicity, we went to FedEx to have two of my affirmation cards made into prints, so I can give them out at the book fair. The man who helped us, his name was David, of course, that’s my dad’s and brother’s name. He was really helpful. He had to scan and shrink them to 3″x3.”  They turned out really good. They are so cute! 🙂 I trusted the process and didn’t demand perfection. I let my mom help me decide which ones to use, and this felt better than being confused and overwhelmed. It’s helpful to get second opinions from people you trust.

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I saw my therapist on Thursday. Honestly, I hadn’t been to therapy  for several months. I took a break because of winter and getting the book done. It was a much-needed appointment. We brought a book to show her, but she had one! She had bought the book and wanted me to sign it; that was sweet and made me feel good. I have a love/hate relationship with that book! I have another appointment on Friday. I forgot how much people care about me and that I can make a tiny impact on others. She told me the book fair is going to be a humbling experience, which made me look up the definition of humility and prompted this post. I understand what she means. I asked my mom if she thinks I’m humble, and she said no. That was an eye-opener. Perhaps, I am a bit arrogant at times, a pretentious know-it-all, which is something I need to work on!

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While I was doing laundry today, I got the nicest text message from my uncle John, who was my dad’s best friend. He finished reading my book and gave me some awesome compliments. He told me that he’s proud of me and my dad is proud, too. (This book continues to make me cry happy tears.) It was weird at first to think about my family reading about my past. It seems easier to have strangers read it, but my family loves me and they understand the story. I told him I never meant to push everybody away; it was just something I had to do. He said, let me know when your next book is available. That’s cool. I do want to write another book. Hopefully, I will!

Have a good week,


p.s. Trip prep update: I got my suitcase and ordered the business cards. I got two book stands. I still need to get the tablecloth and toiletries. Get iPod fixed? Give Delta my KNT. I had a light bulb moment,  I’m thinking of having a small, interactive art therapy activity on my table at the fair. Buy a piece of poster board to cut in half. I already have a bunch of markers. This is getting exciting! 🙂

Trip preparations and a synchronicity

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Everything is funny to me these days, which is a good thing because it means my mood is improving and I’m not taking things too seriously. I have to admit after shaking hands with death, my sense of humor is a bit skewed but that’s not a bad thing. Laughter is the best medicine.

My mom and I were at the grocery store the other day, and she asked me, “What else is on your list?”

“Honey and sugar.” I replied.

We looked at each and laughed. It still makes me laugh! 🙂

I’m done drinking the tap water, and I shouldn’t have been drinking it for the past three years. Mason has terrible water. I’m sorry; it’s the truth. It’s like clay. People put down Hamilton, at least the water there isn’t full of calcium, lime, and rust. I found some good bottled water; it’s called Simple Truth Artesian naturally balanced ph of 7.6. I’m also thinking of buying a blender, so I can make fruit and veggie smoothies this summer, now that sounds good.

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I had a quiet book launch, I’m not a celebrity after all. It took me three weeks to send my family and friends the email announcement. I got a lot of congratulation replies which made me feel good. My friends were glad I finally finished it. I didn’t know it was going to take that long. My friend, Tracy, who lives in Colorado is going to carry the book in her yoga studio which is very exciting for me. I still need to have an official celebration dinner party with my family and friends.

I’ve applied and been accepted into a book fair in Berkeley, California. It’s called the Bay Area Book Festival; it’s the weekend of June 4-5.  Despite being nervous, I’ve decided it’s going to be a great learning experience and good exposure for the book. Obviously, there’s no possible way that I can make a profit. This isn’t about money; it hasn’t been about money from day one. There’s a part of me that’s ready for an adventure, she’s the one making all the plans! 🙂

At first, my mom didn’t want me to go, and we fought about it for almost a week. I’m sure my neighbors were wondering what we were yelling about, since I had her on speaker phone. They’ve heard me crying for three years, and now I’m yelling, “Let me out!”

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What I lack in patience, I make up for in stubbornness, so my mom knew it was a losing battle. I knew that if I didn’t back down, she would back down. She’s right, it’s going to be difficult. I haven’t been getting out much. It will force me out of my comfort zone and challenge my OCD and phobias. I will have to face my fears and find out what in the hell am I really afraid of and why did I stop living to write a book about nearly dying.

It’s funny, one minute my mom was yelling at me, telling me I’m not going, the next minute she’s helping me get things figured out. I guess it’s a test to see how bad I want it. I feel like I owe it to the book and myself to take it out into the world. No, I’m not perfectly healthy. I need to wash the new clothes I bought last year and never got around to washing, because the book always came first.

I need to buy a carry-on luggage, it’s only a weekend, so I don’t need to check a big bag. I need to buy toiletries, a tablecloth, and book holder. I need to order business cards. I need to get an affirmation card made into prints so that it can be “free with book purchase.” I need to be grateful, let go, and have fun! 🙂 And I’m looking forward to seeing my new friends: Mike, Rosy, Patty, and Larry.

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I made the hotel reservation first, they put a list on their website, and I got a really good discounted rate on a hotel that’s a block from the festival. From the map, it looks like there’s a Starbucks on my way, which is awesome. There are themed blocks, and I’m an exhibitor on Inspirational Avenue which makes me laugh because my life has become inspiration, so it doesn’t surprise me to end up there.

I made the flight a few days later and got a great price. It had to be Delta because that’s what I’ve always flown. I wanted a non-stop flight, but the only one was at 8pm and that would’ve gotten me in too late, as it is, I have a 45-minute bus ride from the airport to the hotel. I get to go across the big bridge. (I know it has a name, that’s what I like to call it, things are less intimidating with nicknames.) Hopefully, I will get a window seat and take pictures like a tourist!

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My excitement switched to fear and now it’s switched back to excitement. Yeah!!! Hopefully, I can find a middle ground soon. Put things in perspective, take the pressure off, and count my blessings! 🙂

Have a good week,


p.s. I forgot to tell you about the synchronicity. When I went for the TSA pre-check interview, the lady that did my fingerprints recognized my last name. She stopped and looked at me strangely. She kept saying, “I think I knew your dad.” I told her my dad’s family is from Harrison/New Haven. And her jaw dropped. I said, “My dad died nine years ago today, he would’ve been 69. You don’t look that old.” She thanked me for the compliment and then named his elementary school. She said, “I went to elementary school with your dad.” It makes me cry now, because I think my dad was giving me his blessing, as crazy as that sounds.

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Does good art come from bad times?

Yes, it does. Good art is often the result of heartbreak or loss. That being said, good art also comes from happiness and joy. There’s a stereotype about the starving, tortured artist, and what art should look like. You don’t have to be starving or tortured. Art mirrors where we’re at mentally and emotionally. An artist creates art to release the darkness and trauma. Nobody really wants to stay tortured.

The idea for this blog came from a quote I saw on Twitter about how a happy, well-adjusted person makes bad art. I would have to disagree. Yes, a musician will make completely different music after a breakup than a marriage. But who are we to judge which one is better? As long as it’s authentic and sounds good, somebody will be able to relate. And that’s why we make art, to express our feelings, meet others who understand, and be comforted by the fact that we aren’t alone.

Recently, I’ve been making “happy” art, and yes, it is a bit boring. Much different from the black and red messy paintings I made for many, many years. There’s a Rumi quote, “If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.” If all I can do is make dots, I’m gonna make dots. And as I loosen up, my artwork will loosen up. I will be able to make flowing lines and funny shapes. My artwork shouldn’t be dark and dreary anymore. Anyone who wants to stay sarcastic and apathetic because being inspirational isn’t cool, that’s your prerogative. Maybe one day you’ll wake up and realize time is slipping away. You’ll lose someone you love and realize forgiveness weighs less than a grudge.

I decided to share the flower mandalas that I made in Oct/Nov 2010. I talk about them in the book. I made these while I was bedridden leaking spinal fluid. These aren’t the black and red paintings, they were left in Boulder and Santa Fe. These are about my struggle to recover from cancer treatment, feeling hopeless and scared.

flower mandala 1

flower mandala 2

flower mandala 3

flower mandala 4

I’ve never shared these before, and they didn’t make it into the book. I’ve kept them safe in a tote because I knew one day I’d want to look at them again. There are also two butterflies, but I didn’t take pictures of them. These are good examples of art therapy, they are a visual diary of my feelings from a time when I was struggling to find hope.

I will post another blog soon and share more about my current life and future plans. All is well, I am busy and happy! 🙂

Have a good week,


p.s. I was just getting ready to post this blog when I heard that Prince died today. OMG! Rock God. Legend. Amazing music. Super talented. The doves are crying. RIP beautiful soul.

Do one thing at a time…

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As my life gets busier, I’m remembering the advice my friend, Jennifer, gave me in regards to book marketing. Do one thing at a time. I don’t like the idea of marketing and I’m not very business minded. The fact that I worked a year and a half at an insurance company probably baffled some people. I like to have different experiences. I feel like each one has been essential to my personal and spiritual growth.

Recently, I was faced with the choice of giving away some free eBooks in exchange for reviews on Amazon. While I would like more reviews, I don’t see a fair way of doing this. How do I decide who gets free and who has to pay? And once my family members hear about the book, they’re going to want a free copy. So, I’ve decided that I’m not giving any free copies away. I bought my mom a copy, that’s it. In case you’ve forgotten, self-publishing isn’t free. The book is for sale. If you want to read it, you’ll have to buy it. I’m nice, but I’m not a pushover.

There are indeed many breast cancer survivors who are extremely worthy and deserving of a free copy. I can only hope that the book becomes a valuable resource for them. If I give Sally a book, then Sue will want a book and it’ll be never-ending. I have to stand by my convictions. I’ve created something I believe in, it is of value, and I deserve compensation for my time and effort. Maybe I have more of a business mind than I thought. It would be one thing if I’d spent less than a year writing it, but I’ve poured my heart and soul into it.

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The eBook is now available on Amazon; it’s $4.95. That was a much easier process. I was able to upload the files myself. The only problem, well, my silly first world problems. When Kindle did the interior review, it came back with five spelling errors. I used the slang word, “scaredy cat,” twice. I used the medical term “in situ.” I used “kitsungi, ” which is a Japanese word. And…

I used “immerge” instead of “emerge.” I know, that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It would be fine if it were buried somewhere in the book, but it’s pretty easy to spot. Sure, I could’ve had Ryan fix it and upload a new file. When I talked to the customer service rep, it sounded like unless it’s a major thing, uploading a new file can cause more problems. So, I’ve let it go. Or rather, I’m letting it go! 🙂

It reminds me of a spelling bee in the third grade. It was grandparents day at my school. My two grandmas watched me spell “guitar” wrong at the chalkboard. I spelled it “gutair.” I still have trouble spelling that word. Lesson learned –> Make sure you do a final spell check after your final read through, so you don’t have an embarrassing error.

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One of my friends has disappeared into thin air, not literally of course. I’m NOT going to contact her and ask where, why, how come? People need to do what they need to do. I respect the fact that we have different opinions and beliefs. I’m grateful she helped me as much as she did. People come into our lives for a reason, sometimes they stay and sometimes they go. I’m okay with that. I wish her the best.

It’s funny, we always think the grass is greener on the other side. She has a business, family, and her health. Any jealousy she feels towards me is completely unwarranted. I know my future is wide open, and it’s possible I’ve already found love, but the hell I went through to get here I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Hopefully, it will make me appreciate the good days even more. She thinks I have freedom. I think she has freedom.

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I’m getting a second chance. (This time I won’t turn my hand over and let it all slip away.) God has granted me more time. I don’t know how much or if I will be a scaredy cat and squander it. I do know that if I stay here, doing what I’m doing, I will become even more miserable. I’m making plans. As soon as they get more real, I will give an update. I have to be brave and take some chances. I have to reach out again.

Yes, I fear rejection, my anxieties, and looking like a fool. And yet, there’s a part of me that could be free, just like that. Free from my silly thoughts, the ocd and ptsd. Not completely, but freer. To want to live so badly, and be loved so completely, that I will give up this sadness and isolation. Imagine that. I know it will be difficult, but nothing worth anything comes easily. Healing doesn’t happen in isolation.

I have to believe there was a bigger purpose to writing the book; it’s putting me on a new path. I’m bouncing off the walls excited about these future plans. I haven’t had any coffee; it’s natural excitement. Not that there’s anything wrong with coffee. I might even treat myself to some Starbucks! When I start to get overwhelmed, I will repeat the Louise Hay affirmation, “I am on an endless journey through eternity and there is plenty of time.”

Have a good week,


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