Do one thing at a time…

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As my life gets busier, I’m remembering the advice my friend, Jennifer, gave me in regards to book marketing. Do one thing at a time. I don’t like the idea of marketing and I’m not very business minded. The fact that I worked a year and a half at an insurance company probably baffled some people. I like to have different experiences. I feel like each one has been essential to my personal and spiritual growth.

Recently, I was faced with the choice of giving away some free eBooks in exchange for reviews on Amazon. While I would like more reviews, I don’t see a fair way of doing this. How do I decide who gets free and who has to pay? And once my family members hear about the book, they’re going to want a free copy. So, I’ve decided that I’m not giving any free copies away. I bought my mom a copy, that’s it. In case you’ve forgotten, self-publishing isn’t free. The book is for sale. If you want to read it, you’ll have to buy it. I’m nice, but I’m not a pushover.

There are indeed many breast cancer survivors who are extremely worthy and deserving of a free copy. I can only hope that the book becomes a valuable resource for them. If I give Sally a book, then Sue will want a book and it’ll be never-ending. I have to stand by my convictions. I’ve created something I believe in, it is of value, and I deserve compensation for my time and effort. Maybe I have more of a business mind than I thought. It would be one thing if I’d spent less than a year writing it, but I’ve poured my heart and soul into it.

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The eBook is now available on Amazon; it’s $4.95. That was a much easier process. I was able to upload the files myself. The only problem, well, my silly first world problems. When Kindle did the interior review, it came back with five spelling errors. I used the slang word, “scaredy cat,” twice. I used the medical term “in situ.” I used “kitsungi, ” which is a Japanese word. And…

I used “immerge” instead of “emerge.” I know, that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It would be fine if it were buried somewhere in the book, but it’s pretty easy to spot. Sure, I could’ve had Ryan fix it and upload a new file. When I talked to the customer service rep, it sounded like unless it’s a major thing, uploading a new file can cause more problems. So, I’ve let it go. Or rather, I’m letting it go! 🙂

It reminds me of a spelling bee in the third grade. It was grandparents day at my school. My two grandmas watched me spell “guitar” wrong at the chalkboard. I spelled it “gutair.” I still have trouble spelling that word. Lesson learned –> Make sure you do a final spell check after your final read through, so you don’t have an embarrassing error.

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One of my friends has disappeared into thin air, not literally of course. I’m NOT going to contact her and ask where, why, how come? People need to do what they need to do. I respect the fact that we have different opinions and beliefs. I’m grateful she helped me as much as she did. People come into our lives for a reason, sometimes they stay and sometimes they go. I’m okay with that. I wish her the best.

It’s funny, we always think the grass is greener on the other side. She has a business, family, and her health. Any jealousy she feels towards me is completely unwarranted. I know my future is wide open, and it’s possible I’ve already found love, but the hell I went through to get here I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Hopefully, it will make me appreciate the good days even more. She thinks I have freedom. I think she has freedom.

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I’m getting a second chance. (This time I won’t turn my hand over and let it all slip away.) God has granted me more time. I don’t know how much or if I will be a scaredy cat and squander it. I do know that if I stay here, doing what I’m doing, I will become even more miserable. I’m making plans. As soon as they get more real, I will give an update. I have to be brave and take some chances. I have to reach out again.

Yes, I fear rejection, my anxieties, and looking like a fool. And yet, there’s a part of me that could be free, just like that. Free from my silly thoughts, the ocd and ptsd. Not completely, but freer. To want to live so badly, and be loved so completely, that I will give up this sadness and isolation. Imagine that. I know it will be difficult, but nothing worth anything comes easily. Healing doesn’t happen in isolation.

I have to believe there was a bigger purpose to writing the book; it’s putting me on a new path. I’m bouncing off the walls excited about these future plans. I haven’t had any coffee; it’s natural excitement. Not that there’s anything wrong with coffee. I might even treat myself to some Starbucks! When I start to get overwhelmed, I will repeat the Louise Hay affirmation, “I am on an endless journey through eternity and there is plenty of time.”

Have a good week,


Image result for the path journey

Image result for the path journey